Can your sleeping position really alter the symmetry of your face?

The answer is probably Yes!

The way you sleep can have a significant impact on both your face and decolletage, the forces of compression, tension and sheer pressure exerted on our faces during sleep can lead to facial distortion, manifesting as vertical folds and creases when we sleep on our sides or stomach.

These vertical folds may start off as temporary sleep creases - Nasal labial ( nose to mouth lines) but over time skin loses its ability to bounce back and then they become permanent as we lose elasticity and collagen in our skin. They can be supported and softened using a Dermal Filler treatment.

Lying on our sides can cause our breasts to drop, resulting in vertical lines on the décolletage.

Side sleeping causes repetative pressure to a specific area, creating creaes, lines and wrinkles on the favoured sleeping side. This exacerbates asymmetry of the eyes ( different shape/height) and regarding lips ( one side can be lower).

Sleeping on your stomach is considered the least healthy sleep position for your skin. Your face is pressed against a pillow which can cause wrinkles and acne ( a result of rubing your skin against a pillow.

The only people who can feel smug are those lucky enough to sleep on their backs.

Applying a moisturiser or night cream before bed can hydrate your skin and create a barrier against friction, reducing the likelihood of sleep lines..

Yvonne Simpson